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Bell, B. 1974. Auckland Thermal No.1.: birdlife preliminary report: letter to N.Z. Electricity Department, 24 December 1974.

Auckland Thermal No.1.: birdlife preliminary report: letter to N.Z. Electricity Department, 24 December 1974 
Bell, B. 
Year Published:
Publisher Location:
Publication Type:
Discusses the bird life and includes a bird list for the Kaipara and Manukau Harbours, and the Firth of Thames. A map of Kaipara Harbour shows major and minor roosts, Caspian tern and shag colonies, low tide marks, water fowl areas, grey faced petrel breeding and the flight paths of waders. A map of Manukau Harbour sahows wader roost areas, Auckland Airport, existing or proposed reserves and the low water mark. A map of the Firth of Thames shows wader roost areas, proposed reserves, nesting colonies and the low tide mark 
Long Term Objectives:
BREEDING and BEHAVIOUR; petrels; nzms260r11; birds; nesting; manukau harbour; shorebirds; reserves; terns; Biogeophysical